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Lost Password

We know how frustrating it can be when you lose your password so we have 2 specific areas you can request this information. To log into the BMC control Panel for billing and administrative changes, you can retrieve your information at:

If you are having trouble getting in to the Helm Control Panel, the first thing to remember is that the user name and passwords were initially set up the same as the BMC Control panel. However there is a way to retrieve it from that site as well at:

If neither of these methods is effective please call us at: 1-866-283-4425 and we can verify your information and get you what you need to log in.

Choosing a good password is vital to the security of your account. It is important to take care to choose a password that cannot be easily guessed. Often users choose an easy password, assuming no one will ever try to crack it -- this is a dangerous attitude. Please use the following guidelines to help you formulate your password.

Things not to do:

Do not use your login name, or any derivative thereof.
Do not use any word, from any language.
Do not use any personal information of any person associated with the account (birthdays, SSN, initials, job titles, etc.). It is also unwise to use any personal information of your children or other persons.
Do not use a keyboard sequence (e.g. qwerty), or any ordered sequence of letters or numbers.
Do not use the same password you are using with another service

Things you should do:

Choose a password with at least six characters, preferably eight.
Include both letters and numbers in your password.
Use both uppercase and lowercase letters.
Consider using punctuation characters such as % and & in your password.

After choosing your password, try to memorize it as soon as possible. Try to avoid keeping your password written down anywhere, as it could jeopardize the security of your account if it were to fall into the wrong hands. If you have forgotten your password, use our password retrieval system to have it sent to you. If you cannot access that account, please click on the link below for password support explaining your situation. We will get back to you by asking a series of questions before we can reset your password and issue you a new one.